Fritz Simhandl
The During this period, the economic sector comprised economic policy in the years 1919-1920 in the lower Austria the commercial, trade and industry being, the country – and forestry being the tax and levy being. On this basis the commercial, trade and industrial policy, the agriculture and forestry policy and the tax and tax policy consisted of economic policy after 1919. After 1919, this policy resulted in the resulting relevant norms of business law. Parts of business law were the commercial, trade and industry law, the country – forestry law and the tax and revenue law. Economic policy in the commercial, trade and industry economic policy differentiated itself in the industrial, commercial, and industrial policy.
Crisis in 1919, prices for beer, bread, meat, meal products, milk, cattle, beef, pigs; were among the gasoline distribution in the framework of economic policy in the commercial, trade and industry, Firewood, fuel consumption, Steam boiler inspection Commissioners, Danube water power utilisation, consumption limitation electricity, fuel card, gas consumption constraint, cinematograph operators, coal consumption, closing trade, petroleum consumption, holidays of youthful workers, Totalisateure regulated. Economic policy in the agricultural and forestry being the economic policy differentiated themselves in the agriculture and forestry policy. Crisis in 1919, including the forestry supervisory areas were regulated in the framework of the economic policy in agriculture and forestry engineering. Economic policy in the tax and levy being the economic policy differentiated from the tax and tax policy. In the crisis year 1919 among other things the tax contributions of the municipalities were direct taxes in the framework of economic policy in the tax and levy, beer duty in Vienna, lease interest Edition, fire wine duty in Vienna, surcharges for Vienna, beautification tax, acquisition tax surcharge for chambers of Commerce and industry, channel and cesspool clearance fee Vienna,. Revelry levy in Vienna, sparkling wine tax, Totalisateurabgabe, wine pad, wine dispensing controlled author: Dr. Fritz Simhandl, author Fleedstreet
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