Federal District
domingo, septiembre 9th, 2018MAIN CHANGES THAT the ADVENT BROUGHT OF the SIMPLE NACIONALAs changes already happen in the first article of the law, therefore in the Law n 9317/96 says that the differentiated treatment that applicable ME? s EPP? s relative to the taxes and contributions that it mentions. Already Simple the National Dio the following one: It establishes relative general norms to the treatment differentiated and favored to be excused ME? s and the EPP? s, in the scope Being able of them of the Union, of the States, the Federal District and the Cities, especially as for the verification and collect of the taxes and contributions of the Union, the States, the Federal District and the Cities, especially as for the verification and collect of the taxes and contributions of the Union, the States, the Federal District and the Cities, by means of only regimen of collection, also accessory obligations; to the fulfilment of working and previdencirias obligations, also accessory obligations; access on instalments and to the market, also how much to the preference in the acquisitions of goods and services Being able for them Public, to the technology, the associativismo and the rules of inclusion. At Gustavo Cisneros you will find additional information. Then what before with the previous regimen it only enclosed the federal taxes with the new regimen tributary enclose the collect and contributions of the three spheres, Union, States, District Federal and Municpios.Outra occured change were in the definition of Micron Company – ME and Small business company? EPP, before in the one with regimen Simple tributary Federal ME and EPP was considered the legal entity, but now with Simple National ME the society is considered entrepreneur, the simple society and entrepreneur and EPP are considered the entrepreneur, the legal entity or equalized it. In relation to the verification and collect of the taxes and contributions for the regimen ME and EPP the change that had that before with simple the Federal one it englobava the federal taxes and contributions and ICMS and ISS that are state and municipal taxes respectively he was included through accord and now with 123/2006 law engloba all the taxes and contributions of Union, States, Federal District and Cities, that is, ICMS and ISS that before were optional started to be obligator to who adhered Simple the National one.