Posts Tagged ‘geography’


viernes, agosto 3rd, 2018

A significant alteration in our system of representation next to the legislative seems already to be consensus enters the people who for times, we have the chance to approach this subject. Then we perceive that in our region, the consequences of a possible change in the representation conditions politics, happened of one reform that contemplated the district vote, would be innumerable, to start for the proper representation, that at the current moment, is precarious and diffuse. The region that I mention myself in this paragraph, comes to be about the region of the valley of is patrician, where in reason of our current system of representation, some cities only possess effectively a direct legislative representation. This is preponderant factor for the coming of in such a way State mounts of money as Federal comings of the legislative (initiative of them parliamentarians). Boris Fausto, historian in evidence in the current days, with its proposal of a historical revisinismo, this logically on to our process of description-social construction, it must also be observed, the reference that it makes in relation to the possibility to make a revision of many historical events, and from there, to reconstruct solutions for our collective questions, breaking these solutions, of inside of our proper local community. We notice that, during the accomplishment of it I finish scrutiny in Brazil, and also in our region in the year of 2006, in the city of Ceres to cite as illustrative example, we had the amount of two hundred more than (200), candidates to the positions of state deputy and Federal disputing the vote of the voter. But the one that if to detach that in its great majority, these candidates, in this in case that cited above, are of distant regions, and these regions, with different necessities of our region, therefore, we have a situation of great spalling of the parliamentary representation in our region.